Saturday, January 30, 2010

Science article

The basis of the story was how a prehistoric bird flew with four wings. They did several tests on its flight, with a model of a microraptor. The study of the bird was performed by team members from the University of Kansas and Northeastern University in China. They made a model from the skeleton cavity of its original bones, and then made feathers from specimens from the Chinese Museums. After completion they noticed it had a better flight patterns from an upright stance position.

  1. It is hypothesized that animals develop flight as ground dwellers.
  2. Scientists are from University of Kansas and Northeastern University of China.
  3. The funding source is not mentioned.
  4. The hypothesis was tested by making a model of a microraptor created by a skeleton composed of casts of the original bones of the microraptor.
  5. There was only one model used for the experiment.
  6. Data was collected from one skeleton cast.
  7. There were no participates only researchers.
  8. The analysts were not blind to the study.
  9. The reporters included controversial theories by other researchers of the same group.
  10. There were not any independent researchers.
  11. The limitations were that there weren’t any other models to go off of.

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